Cumulative Guild Contribution Levels:

Lifetime Member ~ $10,000+
Sustaining Gold Member ~ $7000 - $9999
Sustaining Silver Member ~ $5000 - $6999
Sustaining Bronze Member ~ $4000 - $4999
Sustaining Member ~ $2000 - $3999
The Washington Balalaika is a 501.c.3 charitable and educational organization, and contributions are tax-

You can also donate through  "I Give!"

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supporting 50,000+ causes and raised over $9 Million!
iGive members generate donations by shopping online at any of our more than 1900 stores.
There are no added costs, obligations, nor any hidden fees.  
You don't need to enter any codes, notify the store, or iGive. It's all automatic!
            Click here to donate via iGive.

Our annual recognition levels are:

Benefactor ~ $1000+    |    Patron ~ $500 - $999   |    Donor ~ $250 - $499   |    Contributor ~ $50 - $249

If you would like to make a donation by check, or you can send a check written out to Balalaika Guild to
WBS Treasurer
9513 Shelly Krasnow Lane
Fairfax VA 22031

To make a donation via PayPal (credit card or check)  to The Washington Balalaika Society, click the button below.
The Balalaika Guild ®
was formed in 2002 to recognize the important contributions of individuals, communities and companies whose generous financial support helps us meet our ongoing obligations and undertake new projects.

   Guild members receive a quarterly Newsletter with orchestra news and advance notice of WBS performances and social events, plus other benefits commensurate with level of participation.   We are greatly indebted to our Guild members for their friendship and support.  Guild members are recognized in our Spring and Fall concert programs.
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